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Why Study in France?

The gateway to Europe has an educational niche in a variety of areas and possesses outstanding institutions that are driving its long-term goals and agenda.

The broader macro environment of France is a huge selling point for students choosing to educate themselves as millions around the world appreciate the beauty, history and culture France is so enriched by, as well as its artistic and intellectual heritage.

France has consistently produced some of the best scientists, researchers, mathematicians and engineers, many of whom end up working in Global Enterprises and Corporations, both public and private influencing global power structures through their expert knowledge and intellect.

Naturally, Universities in France are predominantly driven by research and attract substantial funds to support longer-term objectives. Faculty is of an incredibly high standard too and students are given the opportunity to interact with high profile individuals from different sectors.

If you are looking to study in France, read ahead and find out more from Real World Abroad Study Consultancy Pvt.Ltd.

Education Cost for Studying in France

Whenever, you think of studying abroad in any country, knowing about education costs is essential. This section familiarises you with the cost of higher education in France.

Tuition Fee (EUR €) The government sets annual tuition rates at public institutions. The rates for the academic year 2017-18 are, for any degree programme:

  • €189 for licence programmes
  • €490 for engineering in public schools
  • €261 for master's programmes
  • €396 for doctoral programmes
  • €615 for programmes leading to the diplôme d'ingénieur

Tuition rates at private institutions—particularly schools of business and management—are generally higher (from €3,000 to €14,000 annually).

Accommodation (EUR €)

Like elsewhere, living in towns is cheaper than cities in France. Accommodation costs in towns, if you are particularly considering private accommodation, may vary from €300 to €600 per month. University residence halls cost €100 to €150 per month.

Food, transportation and other incidentals would cost around €350 to €500 per month.

Scholarships for Studying in France

Major Intakes: February & July
Minor Intakes: September & November

Students considering France scholarships are recommended to begin the application procedure 8-12 months prior to the intake. Scholarship deadlines vary amongst institutions.

In order to capitalise on the available France scholarships, we advise you to walk into 'The Chopras' Global Education Offices as early as possible. We will provide you complete information on the France scholarship process.

Admission Process for Study in France

To be assured of obtaining the best quality advice about the opportunities available for studying in France, students should register with The Chopras. After registration, students will be carefully guided through a number of key stages, maximising their chances of getting admission in the institutions of their choice. This is how we, at The Chopras, work on the France admissions process.


You register with Real World and be assured of obtaining the best quality advice.


We make an assessment of your academic qualifications, work experience, financial status, career goals as well as life interests and aspirations.

University & Course Selection

Together, we shortlist potential universities and courses that match your profile.

Document Editing

We edit the essays, Statement of Purpose, Letters of Recommendation and Resume, which have been written by you.

Application Review and Submission

The completed application forms are reviewed before they are submitted to your final choice of universities.

Interview Preparation

We assist in preparation (including mock sessions) for the interviews that you may have with the chosen universities.

Visa Counselling

We assist in preparation (including mock sessions) for the interviews that you may have with the High Commissions or Embassies, as well as the collation and review of relevant documentation for submission of the visa application.

Pre Departure Information

We deliver comprehensive information about the country of choice to ensure that you are completely prepared for life at an overseas university.

Contact us to know more about the France admissions process.